Embraced by God’s Unfailing Love and Faithfulness

“Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies…How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!…” – Psalm 36:5-7 (NIV)

In the vast expanse of our existence, the boundless love and unwavering faithfulness of God are like a radiant sun that illuminates our every step. Psalm 36:5-7 paints a picture of a God whose love spans the heavens and whose faithfulness stretches to the skies. It’s a love that provides refuge, a faithfulness that preserves and protects.

In the tapestry of life, each thread is woven with God’s love. As we navigate the highs and lows, the constancy of His love is our anchor. Reflecting on Psalm 36:5-7, consider the immeasurable heights and depths of God’s love and faithfulness, reaching beyond our comprehension yet intimately touching every aspect of our lives.

It says, Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens” – a truth that transcends the limits of our understanding. In moments of joy, we feel the warmth of His love embracing us. In times of despair, His love reaches down to lift us from the depths. My journey is a testament to the reality of this boundless love I have experienced on the mission field for over twenty-seven years.

Your faithfulness to the skies” – a faithfulness that knows no bounds. Through uncertainties and challenges, God’s faithfulness has been a constant companion. As a missionary living by faith, I’ve witnessed the skies of uncertainty part, revealing the unwavering faithfulness of my heavenly Father.

How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!” A recognition of the incomparable value of God’s love. In my service, I’ve seen lives transformed by this priceless love. Through trials and victories, I stand as a witness to the immeasurable worth of God’s unfailing love, a love that sustains and empowers. You, too, can reach out to Him today and experience His unfailing love.


Heavenly Father, we bow before You in awe of Your boundless love and unwavering faithfulness. As we journey through life, may we be ever aware of the heights and depths of Your love that surrounds us. Thank You for being our refuge and preserving us in Your faithfulness. In moments of doubt, remind us of the priceless nature of Your unfailing love. We surrender to the shadow of Your wings, finding comfort and strength in Your presence, in Jesus’, Amen.

Read: Psalm 143:8; Romans 8:38-39
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 21:1-7; Matthew 27:11-44; Exodus 11; Exodus 12

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